Friday, October 29, 2010

The King Of Heaven September 28, 1948

When I drift away
                  on a golden sea,
May the King of Heaven
                  drift with me;
As I drift along may
                  song and a prayer
Help my heart to know
                  God's everywhere;
And if I drift on a
                  golden sea,
The King of Heaven
                  will drift with me.

Dear Lord / Yearbook September 12, 1948

Dear Lord, I pray that through years to come Thou wilt lead me on in paths with Thee and that all things I do may be done to Thy name's honor and glory.  Take my hand and lead me on.  When I come to the last mile of the way, guide me up the golden stairs to dwell with Thee in mansions fair.  A hut with Thee will be a mansion to me.
                           In the name of Christ, I pray.

Dear Lord Forgive August 1, 1948

If I have wounded any
                 heart, I pray,
If I have led one soul
If I have walked forbidden
Dear Lord forgive.

If I have caused some
                  heart to bleed,
Or turned aside from
                  those in need;
If I have sponsored
                  selfish greed--
Dear Lord forgive.

If I have craved another's
Or longed too much for
                  earthly treasures;
Neglected good things
                  without measure--
Dear Lord forgive.

Forgive my sins I ask of
The secret sins I may
                  not see;
The narrow way-- wilt
                  Thou lead me--
Teach me to live.

Christmas Friends December 9, 1948

In the same old
            friendly way,
On the same old
            friendly day,
I wish you Christmas
Through all the years
             to stay.

There's never a Christmas
There's never an old
             year ends,
But it's trysting
             time in memory
With dear old times--
             old friends.

    Comes Christmas time the
             old year ends
Renewing ties and thoughts
              of friends.  

Thanksgiving Prayer November 24, 1948

Dear Lord--

On this, another Thanksgiving
Dear Lord, we come to
To lay our all at our
                Master's feet--
In deep humility.

To give Thee thanks in
To ask Thy guidance
That Thou will ever
                    keep us near,
That we may leave
                     Thee never.

We thank Thee for
                      each blessing given,
We know all comes
                       from Thee--
We lay our all at the
                      Master's feet--
In deep humility.


Memories (1)

Going home for Christmas
In the dear, dear long ago years
Recalls the sweetest memories
Along with treasures and tears.

Going home for Christmas
To the scenes of red and green,
A star from the window gleaming
Through tinsels of silver sheen.

Going home for Christmas
Where the winds of love doth blow,
And chimes sound the old, old story
Of the Christ child long ago.

I Wonder Why

I wonder why
The cynics think there is a thorn
                      that grows
for every lovely, blooming rose;
That fragrance sweet from all our roses
Is merely meant to spoil our posies.

I wonder why
the cynics think each pensive pleasure
Will surely mar each sacred treasure;
When just as surely as joy brings pain,
There are always roses after rain.

I Am Glad

I am glad as a child I knew a hill,
And that I had the joyous thrill
Of sliding down its sunny slope.

I am so glad I knew a tree
That gave its cooling shade for me,
Where I could ponder and could hope.

I am glad I knew a scrap of sky
And could hear the wind go whirling
As I sat on the grass all alone.

I am glad I knew a little brook,
Singing its tunes as I read my book,
And had gay wishing-stars all my own.

Our God Is In Every Tomorrow

God knows our needs
before we ask;
He knows our every sorrow,
He knows our storms before
               they come--
He's there--in every Tomorrow.

He knows our storms,
The kind we need;
He feels our deepest yearning;
He sends the ones we best endure,
Equips our souls for learning.

How best to do
The kindly things;
To share our brother's sorrow;
How sweet to know all touches
God's there-- in every Tomorrow.

Christmas Is Love

The spirit of Christmas is loving,
Then why have it just for a day?
Let us keep it and give and share it--
May it come into our lives to stay.

It is love that tugs at our heart-strings
As we think of the Babe in the manger,
It is love with its softening influence
That makes us have smiles for the stranger.

We cannot buy it in markets,
They never have it for sale,
It is found in the hearts of people,
Not wrapped in a package to mail.

Let us keep it and live it and share it,
Through joy, through sorrow, and strife,
That more may believe and not perish,
But have Everlasting Life.

An Everyday Christmas

I wish you a measure of tinsel
And a dozen stars or more,
For an old-fashioned Christmas
To hang above your door.

I wish you a spray of holly
with loads of mistletoe;
A medley of Christmas carols
And an earthland banked with

Peace and goodwill I wish you,
With love and laughter--and friends
To light the Christmas candles
For a memory that never ends.

The Windows of Life

A Window of Joy opened far to the east,
Where the sunlight in colors so rare
Peep over the hills like the billows
                          at sea,
As its sweetness is spraying the air.

Its colors of gold enmeshed in the blue
Are soon changing to palest of green,
With its borders of rose gaily deepening
                          to red,
Through the Window of Joy brightly gleams.

A Window of Care opens into each life,
Where the sorrows in shadows bring tears
That mingle with joy down  the aeons of time,
In the Window of Care through the years.

A Window of Love opens far to the west,
When sorrows have softened the heart,
The blessings of peace like a halo divine--
A wonderful faith in God's part.

These Windows of Life no soul can escape
Til the Sun of Life sinks in the west--
When the Master of Art with His great arm
                            of love
Opens wide with the Windows of Rest.


I would fain forget so many things,
Like reading of wars and capering
And yet recall the long lost day,
The close of the village school in May;

Recall the tears in many eyes,
The last handclasps and the last goodbyes;
The whispering wind that dropped its load
In the yard near a house by the side of
                          the road
Though it stole the petals from my rose-
                         laden tree
It left their nectar through the years
                          with me.

God's Splendid Way

God has such a splendid way
of teaching lessons day by day;
Of weaving patterns in each life,
Sometimes with joy, sometimes with

Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we weep,
Oft times we climb the mountains steep.
God has such a splendid way
Of being the potter while we are the clay;

Of giving clouds of silver sheen
While leading us in pastures green;
And if we follow him each day,
He will mold great beauty out of clay.

A Boy I'd Like

I would like a little red-haired boy
With freckles on his face;
I would like his eyes of larkspur blue,
And a smile you can't erase.

I would like to roam around with him,
And tell him stories, too,
I would like to play his games with him--
I would like him, wouldn't you.

Roads I Like

I like a road that leads away somewhere
Into a lovely place for secret prayer,
A road that leads where God is there.

I like a road with a border of shadowy trees
Inhabited by mockingbirds and humming bees,
Where many songsters mix their lullabies.

A road beside a cottage, then a hill,
All near a field beside a shining rill,
The joy of pastures green my heart to fill.

I like a road with the fingerprints of God,
A road I know my Master often trod,
A road that has His smile and approving nod.

I like a road that is straight and always
That leads unto a place for secret prayer--
A road that always leads where God is there.

Gifts Unto The King

Across the years I seem to see,
Laden with gifts the wise men three,
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh they bring
To Bethlehem--unto the King.

In crowded streets I see appear
Hearts heavy laden, filled with fear--
I seem to hear the Master's plea,
"Your gifts to them are gifts to me."

As on that night long years ago,
Within the starlight's aureate glow;
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh I bring
To those in need--unto the King.

Words Fitly Spoken

A word fitly spoken restores lost
Makes faces beam with smiles;
Like pictures of silver bordering
Or apples of gold dropping on life's

God Keeps The Key

Would you glance behind the curtain
And view all mystery,
Or walk by faith beside the Master--
He keeps the key.

Have you prayed--the prayer unanswered,
Or can you discerning be?
God knows what is best before you ask Him--
He keeps the key.

Sometimes when lessons have all been learned,
Your heart will understanding be--
God's door will open in His own way--
He keeps the key.

The Master Sculptor's Hand

I stood and watched the dawning day,
The changing scenes I scanned,
I viewed in wordless ecstasy
The Master Sculptor's Hand.

I stood and watched the babbling brook
In seeming joyous glee,
Go rippling down its shining path
Carved by His Majesty.

I stood and watched the towering trees,
The fragrant blossoms sweet,
I laid in meek humility
My all at the Master's feet.

I stood and watched the race of men,
God's image as he planned;
I viewed in wordless ecstasy
The Master Sculptor's Hand.

I will stand and watch the sun go down
When the bridge of time I've spanned,
And view in wordless ecstasy
The Master Sculptor's Hand.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Garden of Good Wishes

In my garden of good wishes
There is a little golden street
In every nook and corner
Where friend with friends may meet.

There's a little golden entrance
Leads unto this garden fair,
Filled with strength and hope and courage
And a little place of prayer.

May you wander in its pathways,
Find the things that are meant for you;
Fine courage to meet the future,
The strength to dare and do.

And may robes of sweet contentment
Amid treasures wrought with care
Give faith to meet new duties
In this little garden of prayer.

Little Folk Years

I would like to go skipping
Down little folk years
When life was a playhouse
With make-believe tears.

I would like to go picking
Gay, gold wishing stars;
Play like they are enormous
As Venus and Mars.

I would like to go skipping
Down paths that are clear,
I would give half a million
For one little folk year.

My House

I want my house to be a place
Where folks can feel at home,
And always wander back again,
No matter where they roam.

I wish that those who happen in
To stay a while with me
May take away some happy thoughts
To keep in memory.

I want my house to be a place
Of treasures kept in store
Of those who pull the latch-string
Of my kind and friendly door.

I want my house to be a place
That is always set apart
To keep the home fires burning
And warm the Wanderer's heart.

The Lamps of God

As the lamps of God your windows fill
And the Shepherd's star beams o'er the hill,
May it guide you to Mt. Olive's slopes
To find renewal of your hopes.

May you see the lambs the Shepherds lead
And watch them as they browse and feed;
May you hear the angels' voices bring
Glad tidings of the Savior and King.

And when you are in Gethsemane
As every soul is sure to be,
May the Lamps of God your windows fill
And lead to the summit of His hill.

Fashion Yourself A Dream

As frosty stars are twinkling
And lights from windows gleam,
Just borrow a slice of happiness
And fashion yourself a dream--

A dream of peace and contentment,
Of strolls where the Master trod;
With lamps all trimmed and burning
For a closer walk with God.

A dream of Strength and courage
To make these dreams come true--
May faith like a benediction
Throw a mantle over you.

May your little slice of happiness
Be scattered over the years--
May a closer walk with the Master
Banish all doubts and fears.

When I Say a Prayer

Maybe my words ain't fancy,
but when I say a prayer,
I kinda have a feelin'
That God is everywhere.

I kinda feel he listens
to all my little plans,
And every word I'm sayin',
He hears and understands.

Maybe I can't express it,
But love is in my heart,
And when I kneel a prayin',
I'm sure He does His part.

Maybe God's little children
Don't need so much to say
For Him to be a listenin'
When they kneel to pray.

I kinda have a feelin'
That God is everywhere,
And fancy words don't matter
When I come to say a prayer.

God's Hand Divine

A misty veil envelops early morning.
The sun peeps over billows edged with gold,
God blows his breath through silvery veiling,
And reaches out earth's beauties to behold.

There is music on the harps among the treetops,
And clouds of joy seem floating all about;
When shadows fall and twilight creeps around us,
It is then we know God's hand is reaching out.

The lesser lights, myriad stars come twinkling,
In deepest awe we watch God's glory shine--
The firmament shows his handywork--
God reaches out his hand Divine.

(She actually placed behold and unfold just as I have transcribed it in the first stanza.  I expect she was going to choose eventually but never did or, contrarily, she decided to allow the reader the choice.  She also spelled handiwork with a 'y' in the third stanza.)


A whisper now, a whisper then;
A heart is scarred--we know not when.
A whisper here, a whisper there;
A broken heart is found somewhere.

My Wish

If I could have my wish today,
The thing I'd like to do
Would be to play as Santa Clause
And bring great joy to you.

I'd like to climb atop your house
And down your chimney creep,
And fill your socks clear to the brim
While you are fast asleep.

I'd leave a ton of happiness,
A pack of sunshine, too,
I'd steal away your troubles
And leave sweet peace with you.

I'd take away the grayness
And leave you skies of blue,
I'd leave with you a courage fine,
To fight life's battles through.

I'd leave you understanding,
A faith, unchanging, true,
A mind to serve Jehovah,
Sweet peace I'd leave with you.